Comments on the Film

“Ed Moschitz’s film is a deep insight into the lives of Moldovan women who decided to illegally cross the border and make some money to support their families back home.“
Zdenĕk Blaha, DOKweb

The Film “excellently illustrates the causes and effects of economic migration.“
One World 2012 – Festival Program

"By naming Mama Illegal the winning film of One World Brussels 2012, the jury would like to bring home the complexity of irregular migration to European decision-makers and the wider public, and give a voice to the real family stories hidden by the rhetoric."
One World 2012 – Festival Jury

"I had the privilege of already seeing the film Mama Illegal by Ed Moschitz. I am very impressed, a heart-rending and deeply moving film [...] I wholeheartedly congratulate Ed Moschitz to this movie. He shows the mothers without any filter, the children, the fathers, broken families, because of unemployment in Moldova. I recommend already now to go see Mama Illegal."
Mag. Erich Fenninger, GF Volkshilfe Österreich




Volksstimme - July/August 2012
[PDF | 2,5 MB]

EL OTRO CINE (Spanish) - May 2012
[PDF | 1,2 MB]